Saturday, December 18, 2010

Intro to the Internet.. possibly the most worthless college class ever?

I can't believe I have to take intro to the Internet! Unless you've been raised in the wild by wolves you probably know how to use the Internet. They should have made it optional for those who feel they need it not a requirement. All we do in class is sit around and write papers for other classes or do in class homework. I guess it could be worse. I could be in a class that is absurdly hard that holds no real value towards my degree and makes my life miserable! This term I have 3 pharmacy classes which is awesome. They are all interesting, which is really reassuring. I feel more confident that this program was the right choice for me. I'm already in the process of getting licensed so I can work in a pharmacy during intern-ship.  I never thought I would enjoy school so much but I do. I feel comfortable talking to the other students because they have for the most part been friendly. Many other students treat me as a equal, even the teachers. It made me realise that I am miserable at work because they don't treat me as a intellectual equal but instead look down on me and don't value a word I say. I'm starting to look forward to school at nights and feel uneasy about going to work in the day. I really like a lot of my co-workers but a few bad apples ( really really bad apples) sours the whole experience. I am glad that I finally know what is really bothering me but at the same time frustrated that there is nothing I can do about it. I can't change others but I can change how I deal with it so that's what I will do. If people put me down they can expect a polite but strong response.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Dun dun dun mid terms

Wow midterms sure do come by fast! I have taken all but one of them. Not knowing what I got on my math midterm is driving me crazy. I will find out on Tuesday. If I get a C on it I will be happy. We don't get to check are work with a calculator so I will consider any passing grade good. lol I got a C+ on my midterm in medical terminology but my overall grade in the class is an A. In Pharmacy I got an A+ on my midterm and have an A in the class so that was really exciting. I do not like tests so I am pretty happy with things so far.

I have finished my generic research paper for pharmacy and now have a movie review to write up. The other girls choose to do some sort of pharmacy comparison write up about local pharmacies. A movie review definitely sounds better to me. I have really enjoyed pharmacy class and I look forward to the coming terms where we get to do lab experiments.

I feel ready for my Ms Windows midterm this Tuesday which just seems more boring then anything. My computer classes are definitely my least interesting classes. If all my job consisted of was sitting at a desk typing I think I would have to go kamikaze about it. Thank goodness pharmacy work keeps a person busy doing lots of different things.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Hallelujah! Math, you will not beat me. >:)

Math was always my worst subject but I am getting a lot better in it. The silly thing is that negative numbers hold me back despite understanding far more complicated things. I got a terrible grade on my second math packet which was really upsetting so I committed myself to staying positive and studying online. Purple math is a great website for this purpose and well I was researching there it dawned upon me what I was not understanding before. It's like a wee little light bulb turned on because I remembered to flip  the switch. lol

Pharmacy work has a lot to do with math and even if the formulas aren't generally very complicated it is really important to me to have a sound understanding of what I am doing. There are times when school seems overwhelming and scary but I push past it and find myself better off each time. It's a big deal for me to be able to stay calm and focused in math class so going this far despite a big let down is really great. To get back up and figure out the problem is really a first academically speaking. 

Being in school makes me think of how one day I might have a new job and how in some ways that makes me sad. I work with a lot of really nice people who I enjoy being around. The work I do is certainty nothing I want to keep doing but I know that when the time comes to move on it is going to be hard. I would have to say that I have never got along with a group of people so well as I do here at this place. People are so willing to get along and I have so many friends at work supporting me in school which has been such a lovely helpful thing. When I get through school I'm going to have to invite them all to a party to show my thanks and probably cry a lot like a baby. >_<

Well that's about it. Things are going well despite a bit of a bump in the road.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wow I can't believe it!

I really cannot believe how well I am doing in my classes. The material is really understandable and I dedicate a lot of my free time to studying so none of my tests have been to stressful.

Today we had are pharm intro quiz which I was worried about but to my pleasant surprise I got a 99%! I was sooo happy. In fact when I got my quiz back I pumped my fist in the air and said yes!! lol >_< After making a utter fool of myself class continued as normal...

It takes a lot of focus and positive thinking to not let myself get over whelmed like I did in the past. My anxiety issues really put a stop to me learning before and it's just a shame to know I did that to myself without trying. I pray about strength, focus, and confidence everyday because I do believe that I could never do this alone. God has been the reason my life has changed so much and why I am able to do what I am doing now. I could have never done this last year, it wasn't up until now that I felt ready for it academically and socially.

It just does not seem possible I could do this well it's as if I am watching someone else instead of myself. In high school I took Algebra 3 times because I just could not grasp it but now I am flying through my home work. Everything my math teacher says makes sense and I dare so I enjoy learning about it. I never felt smart not once in my life but now I feel like I can learn just like anyone else. I know if I work hard and stay dedicated I can do as good as I want to.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Pharm quizzes are epic!

Seriously after a explanation of what are first quiz will be I am scared! It's 50 questions and they ask some pretty intense stuff. The teacher says he grades fairly because he feels it's to much. I will be studying a lot for it more then anything else. I have a quiz everyday in medical terminology but there not nearly so stressful. I am excited to see how I did on my first med. term. quiz  but I won't find out until Monday and like an impatient child I want to know right now! lol

I am having a bit of a hard time with one of my class mates. She is a "know it all" and corrects me in class when she thinks I am wrong even at times when I'm right. It's like my worst nightmare when it comes to people. I really dislike people being conceded especially when they snipe at whatever anybody says. She may not be aware that this behavior is upsetting to me or others and for the sake of getting a long I would like to believe that is the case. Besides I am dedicated to studying hard, learning well, and getting good grades. Whatever sort of competition people want there going to have to compete with there self because I am just not interested.

So far medical terminology is my favorite class. I really enjoy learning the "language of medicine" and the different planes and regions of the body. Apparently artho means joint and itis means inflammation. Which means arthritis means inflammation of the joints. I felt so special figuring out what the names of medical conditions mean lol >_<  It feels good to be able  to understand something so easily that I enjoy. Biology was my favorite science class in high school so I guess it is no surprise I like this class so much.

There is a lot of homework and studying to do but I feel confident I will do well. I really want this so I'm going to achieve it no matter what it takes. I know it's not some dazzling bachelors degree or anything that amazing but to me pharmacy works seems really interesting! Now it's time to go pass out for a nice long sleep. I am super tired!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week one, not so bad.

Being so anxious about school has led me to write a blog. I think it might be helpful. 
Honestly the whole day on the first day of school I was feeling dizzy and nausea. As much as I wanted it to go away it wasn't going anywhere. Of course I prayed and tried to convince myself things would be fine but it seems I don't believe myself. lol My first class was electronic calculator class which really confused me because I had no idea what we would be doing. I mean I don't need help using a regular calculator! It turns out they meant the type of calculator you do ten key on that prints which seems useful if not a little boring.Things were not starting off to bad, in fact I met a lady going for the same degree who has been very nice. It turns out we have all are classes together which I  think is kind of cool.  

There is only 2 other women going to school for pharmacy technician which surprised me but I also don't mind because there will be a lot more one on one help with the teacher this way in our specific pharmacy classes. There both nice thankfully and we seem to get along pretty well. Are intro pharmacy teacher is quite the joker and down to earth so I think things will be fairly laid back. 

I've never said this before but I like going to school. Unlike before where I was to anxiety ridden to focus I am now confident and focused enough to study well at school. I love to learn and I'm really happy that I finally can. I'm all excited for my home work so I can study it's really sad actually! I don't think anyone should be happy about that!